Modern Art Around the World

In May 2016, a young man placed a pair of glasses on the ground of the Museum of Modern Art in San Francisco. Instead of walking by, dozens of people gathered around the irrelevant object to take photos and converse about its meaning.

Though comedic, this experiment shows just how much the definition of art has changed throughout recent years. While art has historically been characterized by its aesthetic qualities, the movement towards postmodernism has put the focus directly on a work’s ideological implications. Art doesn’t need to be beautiful in the traditional sense; it needs to elicit an emotional or mental response.

To get your dose of modern art, here’s our list of the coolest museums to find thought-provoking pieces:

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How to Reach Snake Island Using 3 Apps

Just off the coast of Brazil, you’ll find Snake Island. A region which is aptly named considering that it’s filled with – you guessed it – snakes. Hundreds of thousands of them. (By some estimates, 4 snakes per square meter).

As such, planning a vacation here may be a bit difficult (considering also that it’s illegal under Brazilian law to go there.) But in any circumstance, if only to quench a curiosity, let’s see if a handful of smartphone apps can take us from central Barcelona to Snake Island.

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Where to Get Some Fresh Air in Barcelona

Fresh Air; our parents forced it on us as kids saying it was “good for us”. Turns out our parents were right. It is. A widely cited study from the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health has found that individuals living within 1 kilometre of green space are less likely to experience depression. Other studies have found links between spending time in nature and improved immune system, better sleep and heightened memory function.

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Tech Innovations You Should Be Excited About

The 1990’s animated comedy Futurama points out some pretty interesting things about our current world. This not-for-children cartoon was set in the year 3000, including robots, aliens, and the whole deal. Technology… here are some tech innovations you should be excited about.

It also involved floppy discs. Remember? Those really big chunks of plastic that could store a text document or two.

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Barcelona’s Newest Economy – Sharing!

To claim that technology brings us together has become somewhat of a cliché. But recent years have seen the growth of the sharing economy, in where technology has — literally — brought people together.

Barcelona has never been a city to shy away from innovation, and its got hundreds of startups to prove it. It is fair to say that Barcelona is a testing grounds for this new way of life, where any two people can be connected by a smartphone.

Lets look at some of the coolest startups in Barcelona that are making the sharing economy a tangible way of life:

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Internet of Things in Barcelona

The internet of things has been hailed as the next big innovation to change the world. The premise if fairly simple; everyday objects (like fridges or traffic lights) would be able to send and receive information. Basically, we’re moving towards a world where fridges will message you when you’re low on milk.

Moving past the frivolities of everyday life, the internet of things can optimize the ways we build cities. Barcelona, specifically, has been a trailblazer in this field.

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Barcelona’s Quirky Subcultures, and Where to Find Them

Everybody likes to be apart of something. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is a psychological and sociological explanation that humans have social needs – to feel connected and loved and respected. Looking to find your place in Barcelona. Here are 5 quirky subcultures in Barcelona!

As psychological research piles up, the public is becoming more aware of the dangers entailed with loneliness. Due to the individualism of cities, people are becoming more and more isolated from their neighbors, friends, and family.

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The New Age of Advertising 2016

Advertisements have been in existence for over 1500 years. It is estimated that we see over 3,000 to 5,000 advertising messages daily. This makes it more difficult to have brands stay in the mind of the consumer. Companies have been revolutionizing advertising to get their message across without seeming like an advertisement. Is this the future of marketing and the advertising industry?

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Tech Startups in the Fight Against Food Waste

People waste an outrageous amount of food. Between farmers, manufacturers, grocery stores and consumers, more than 1.3 billion tonnes of consumable food were tossed away last year. That’s enough to build a mountain 3 kilometres wide and 2500 meters high.

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