Pay It Forward: The Social Coin

pay-it-forwardHave you ever turned on the news on your TV and realized everything you are hearing is negative? The world is filled with a lot of negativity and depressing events that can lead people to lose faith in humanity. Luckily, our faith in humanity often becomes restored by random acts of kindness. Being part of a random act of kindness feels great, whether you are the giver, receiver or even a simple witness. It brings a smile to all those around and spreads joy and positivity in the air. The true beauty in acts of kindness is that people usually pay it forward, meaning once they are the recipient of a nice act, they are much more likely to do the same for someone else in the future.
However, there are limits. Only those directly affected or witnessing the act benefit from the positive energy and feel that push to pay it forward.

283JkNpEThe Social Coin is changing that. In an attempt to inspire people to do more acts of kindness, this new app allows people to write out what they experienced for others to see and share that feeling of restored faith in humanity more widely. This is the kind of news we should be hearing more often! The app is available on iPhone and Android, download it now!

What else restores our faith in humanity? Social projects! There are so many awesome social projects in Barcelona, from cleaning the beach to donating clothes and goods…. Don’t forget to get involved with some of them. It helps society and people but it also gives an underrated warm fuzzy feeling in your belly.

One great social project happening in Barcelona right now is the Refugees Aid Barcelona – with events, goods collection, or simply raising awareness. With the refugee crisis being of utmost importance in recent history – it’s clear that if you want to put your Good Samaritan efforts somewhere, that’s a great way to start. They have an amazon wish list as well where you can simply buy essential goods that refugees are in need of.

Apart from the warm fuzzy feeling you may get, there are also many reports finding that businesses that get involved with social projects and initiatives get more return on their investment. You never want to do good things for selfish reasons, but it’s good to know that it can be beneficial to both parties involved. On another level, business leaders that invest time and effort in cultivating their employees climb up the ladder also receive benefits for organizations and in return, to the mentor employee who took the time and effort to aid the company’s human capital develop its full potential.

Finally, it’s important to remember that true happiness comes from giving and having a positive impact on other people’s lives. Pay it forward today and make the world a better place!

Danielle Marquis
The Grid BCN
