Animated GiF: UK Election Drama, Spanish Millennials & Public Speaking

AWE Summit 1

Today’s animated GiF featured Tulia Lopes and Lucinda Lucero from the AWE summit Barcelona, which takes place today in Poble Nou. Along with guest presenter Tim Parfitt, they discussed the art of becoming a good public speaker, the skills needed for good leadership,  the UK & french elections and why Spanish millennials need to drink more wine!

This week was very exciting for Animated GiF, previous radio guest speaker Tim Parfitt joined Carrie, Deborah as a co-host and Tulia Lopes and Lucinda Lucero were the guests of the day. Hot topics like always traced back to the UK, Brexit and recent election drama. Tulia and Lucinda are from the AWE summit Barcelona, which takes place today in Poble Nou. AWE stands for Assertive, Women, Entrepreneurs. It is a gathering of professional women that dream, believe and achieve. As both women are speakers at the summit, everyone talked about the qualities and art to becoming a good public speaker, and skills one needs for good leadership. This week has been a week of Millennial talk as, People On The Grid wrote a blog about Millennials and Stereotypes, and hosted a panel discussion on the topic and now, Animated GiF has talked about Spanish Millennials and why they need to drink more wine. Today was definitely a topical day and we can’t wait for the next show!


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