3 Laboratories in Barcelona You Need to Know About


Laboratories have always at the forefront of innovation and discovery. Here in Barcelona, many diverse laboratories are reinventing the business scene for years now. Here are three laboratories we found worthy of mentioning.

JustPeace Labs

Just Peace Labs is an organisation that promotes the use of technology to empower local communities. Specifically, they ensure that their work is context-relevant, supports local ownership, reduces corruption and facilitates transparency. Their goal is to help post-conflict countries develop in a sustainable way to promote future growth.

What’s most notable is their extensive Ethical Guidelines, all mapped out in a twenty-four-page report. These focus on the principles of Respect, Privacy, Security, Do No Harm, and Non-discrimination. To find out more, visit https://justpeacelabs.org/


Fab Lab Barcelona

FabLab Barcelona is a branch of the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, exploring the different educational and research programs related to the multiple scales of the human habitat.

The Fab Lab objective is to improve lives around the world by making the tools, knowledge and money accessible to educate and create using technology. This allows anyone anywhere to get involved. Primarily, they work with community organisations, educational institutions and non-profits. Fab Lab’s educational branch, Fab Academy, provides a six-month course on digital fabrication.

In the autumn, they will be hosting a series of workshops as well.

For more information, please visit http://fablabbcn.org/fab_academy.html



CPB is a laboratory that specialises in Creative Personal Branding. Just what is Creative Personal Branding? CPB is experience-based learning and coaching model developed by Jürgen Salenbacher. Starting with your individual personality, it focuses on the four key qualities in the creative economy today: substance, style, conviction and grace. For their services, they will provide you with books, workshops, one-to-one coaching, talks, lectures and expert panels.  

To read more, visit http://www.cpb-lab.com/the-big-picture/



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