The Business of Social Media

Social media. Everyone has it, everyone uses it. In the past couple of years, it has seemingly dominated the internet, with mega-platforms such as Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, and Twitter getting the most attention. They are immensely popular, generating hundreds of millions of users from around the globe. The companies are worth billions and their CEOs are among the richest people in the world. Between July and September of 2016, Facebook saw $7 billion US in revenue. Since their services are free to users, you might wonder how they actually make money.

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Media’s Manipulation

Many of us are guilty of a disastrous habit: excessive media intake. We all want to stay updated with what is the latest news in our city and in the world – but are you conscious of how the media is affecting your perceptions of the world?

Consider social media, in most developed countries, it’s often a grand hub for people to share their life tailored to the way they want other people to perceive them! Think about that for a moment. Don’t you, as well, manage what you are putting online in order to create an image that you are pleased with or to support the ideals you believe in? Admittedly, I do. Subconsciously or consciously, we all do it.

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People On The Grid with Dot Lung

Today we sat down and chatted with Dot Lung. A social media strategist – and of course we talked about Social Media Strategy. But a major topic of interest was about 360 Videos. Dot originally comes from America – with a degree in psychology and media find out how she got to where she is now!

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